MEINE GUTE!! (january 23, 2016)
Guten Tag everyone! Wie gehts??
This week was crazy! It feels like I have been here for a month already! But it has been good. We are all struggling with our German... there is just so much to learn! Last night I was lying in bed and I thought I was going crazy because I was thinking in English and German!! Man it really gets to ya...
I know a ton of people here at the MTC! My host coming into the MTC was one of my great friends from High School Sister Hall. We saw each other and ran at each other haha! She is the one going to Cambodia!! So crazy... then I saw another girl from High School! And then during our first meal I was walking and all of a sudden I see... Courntey Baggely!!!! The girl going to Denmark who Kenz and I went to say goodbye to last week! Except I said to her, "see you next week!" And.... I totally did see her! She looked over at me and as soon as she saw me she started booking it towards me and gave me the biggest hug!!! We both got a little teary!! She is already starting to forget English... bahahah!! ;) I have also seen Sister Apsley, Sister Ruprecht... Elder Blackham... Elder Ray. So I know a lot of people here. My companion was like, "Whoa... I feel like I am companions with a celebrity..." I am very far from a celebrity! But it made me laugh!! ;)
The first night was hard... But I went to sleep really easily! The next morning the alarms went off and we all popped out of bed and got ready! It is strange how easy it is for us all to get up! We had lots of meetings on Thursday and our first official language class which was fun and for a three hour class it went by surprisingly fast!! My district contains six Sisters and two Elders. Four of us are going to Berlin and four to Frankfurt. We are all getting used to each other! My favorite sister is Sister Balls! She is hysterical... we try our best to have fun! So if that means testing the orange juice to see if we would have stomach problems.... then meine gute we will do it! ;) So we did... and we were both disappointed when we had no problem... which therefore meant there wasn't anything to laugh about! ;) haha! You find weird things to laugh about here...
My companion is very nice. Her name is Sister Voightlaender. Ya... it took us all a while to say it...
Thursday night we finally got our letters! I got four dear elders! They made me feel great! So Danke! I needed it! Also last night I got my very first package from Jaces mom!! She packed those dried bananas that I am addicted to! Oh man I was excited... those will not be shared with anyone.... and those glorious peanut butter bars were heaven last night! Danke fur meine erste package!!!
Yesterday we taught our first investigator auf Deutsche! It was insane... his name is Roy! ;) We had to plan our lesson in German and then go teach him... but he strayed from the path and started asking questions... great scott Roy!! I knew exactly what he was saying! I totally understood him... but I couldn't respond auf Deutsche. Which made things slightly difficult and frustrating because I just wanted to teach him the gospel. And I knew exactly what to say... but I couldn't say it auf Deutsch. We have to teach him again tonight.
We are going to the temple today!! I am excited to go into the outside world... ;) I haven't seen the sun in a while!! ;)
Oh! Yesterday I felt absolutely pumped after our first class yesterday by the way... ;) haha! I was like, "Ja!!! Taufe Deutschland!!" The teacher Brother Bratsman shared a few scriptures. Jacob 5:70-73 and John 15:16. We were chosen for this work. The Lord needs me to go to Germany! But I am not alone... He is with me laboring by my side day by day. I need not ever grow weary or downhearted for my Lord is with me... and He will strengthen me. And He will give me the tools needed to bring people Unto Him. That is my missionary purpose to ultimately bring people unto Christ. I love being a missionary. There is no greater work then this... Surprisingly this week wasn't as hard as everyone made it seem... It was actually kind of fun! But I can tell six weeks of this is going to drive me nuts... ;) haha! But the first night I thought to myself... there is no way I can make it 18 months... Es ist sehr Crazy!! But the more I rely on the Lord the more I think... I wouldn't want to spend these next 18 months anywhere else.
Anyway, that is about all I want to say... I found Adris old classroom!!!!! And I took a picture next to it!! ;) We taught Roy in the Bulgarian room!! It was awesome!! :) I am still trying to find Jaces classroom... But I am here six weeks... I will find it! ;)
EVERYONE SEND LETTERS. I like letters... It is seriously like Christmas!! ;) haha! Thank you everyone for your support. The work is hard... but it is worth it! ;)
Ich liebe Deutschland!! Oh and I love you all too!! ;)
Sister Darton
This week was crazy! It feels like I have been here for a month already! But it has been good. We are all struggling with our German... there is just so much to learn! Last night I was lying in bed and I thought I was going crazy because I was thinking in English and German!! Man it really gets to ya...
I know a ton of people here at the MTC! My host coming into the MTC was one of my great friends from High School Sister Hall. We saw each other and ran at each other haha! She is the one going to Cambodia!! So crazy... then I saw another girl from High School! And then during our first meal I was walking and all of a sudden I see... Courntey Baggely!!!! The girl going to Denmark who Kenz and I went to say goodbye to last week! Except I said to her, "see you next week!" And.... I totally did see her! She looked over at me and as soon as she saw me she started booking it towards me and gave me the biggest hug!!! We both got a little teary!! She is already starting to forget English... bahahah!! ;) I have also seen Sister Apsley, Sister Ruprecht... Elder Blackham... Elder Ray. So I know a lot of people here. My companion was like, "Whoa... I feel like I am companions with a celebrity..." I am very far from a celebrity! But it made me laugh!! ;)
The first night was hard... But I went to sleep really easily! The next morning the alarms went off and we all popped out of bed and got ready! It is strange how easy it is for us all to get up! We had lots of meetings on Thursday and our first official language class which was fun and for a three hour class it went by surprisingly fast!! My district contains six Sisters and two Elders. Four of us are going to Berlin and four to Frankfurt. We are all getting used to each other! My favorite sister is Sister Balls! She is hysterical... we try our best to have fun! So if that means testing the orange juice to see if we would have stomach problems.... then meine gute we will do it! ;) So we did... and we were both disappointed when we had no problem... which therefore meant there wasn't anything to laugh about! ;) haha! You find weird things to laugh about here...
My companion is very nice. Her name is Sister Voightlaender. Ya... it took us all a while to say it...
Thursday night we finally got our letters! I got four dear elders! They made me feel great! So Danke! I needed it! Also last night I got my very first package from Jaces mom!! She packed those dried bananas that I am addicted to! Oh man I was excited... those will not be shared with anyone.... and those glorious peanut butter bars were heaven last night! Danke fur meine erste package!!!
Yesterday we taught our first investigator auf Deutsche! It was insane... his name is Roy! ;) We had to plan our lesson in German and then go teach him... but he strayed from the path and started asking questions... great scott Roy!! I knew exactly what he was saying! I totally understood him... but I couldn't respond auf Deutsche. Which made things slightly difficult and frustrating because I just wanted to teach him the gospel. And I knew exactly what to say... but I couldn't say it auf Deutsch. We have to teach him again tonight.
We are going to the temple today!! I am excited to go into the outside world... ;) I haven't seen the sun in a while!! ;)
Oh! Yesterday I felt absolutely pumped after our first class yesterday by the way... ;) haha! I was like, "Ja!!! Taufe Deutschland!!" The teacher Brother Bratsman shared a few scriptures. Jacob 5:70-73 and John 15:16. We were chosen for this work. The Lord needs me to go to Germany! But I am not alone... He is with me laboring by my side day by day. I need not ever grow weary or downhearted for my Lord is with me... and He will strengthen me. And He will give me the tools needed to bring people Unto Him. That is my missionary purpose to ultimately bring people unto Christ. I love being a missionary. There is no greater work then this... Surprisingly this week wasn't as hard as everyone made it seem... It was actually kind of fun! But I can tell six weeks of this is going to drive me nuts... ;) haha! But the first night I thought to myself... there is no way I can make it 18 months... Es ist sehr Crazy!! But the more I rely on the Lord the more I think... I wouldn't want to spend these next 18 months anywhere else.
Anyway, that is about all I want to say... I found Adris old classroom!!!!! And I took a picture next to it!! ;) We taught Roy in the Bulgarian room!! It was awesome!! :) I am still trying to find Jaces classroom... But I am here six weeks... I will find it! ;)
EVERYONE SEND LETTERS. I like letters... It is seriously like Christmas!! ;) haha! Thank you everyone for your support. The work is hard... but it is worth it! ;)
Ich liebe Deutschland!! Oh and I love you all too!! ;)
Sister Darton